Civil War

Important People of the Civil war


Ulysses S. Grant:

Ulysses S. Grant also know as Hirum Grant was a failure at everything in life except for two things, being a great tactician and being a great husband. Other than hat he was just a depressed drunk. He was The Union General. His great war skills were noticed by Lincoln when he was his second choice for the Union General behind Robert Lee. Grant won many battles including Fort Henery (Tennessee), Vicksberge (Mississippi), and he also attcked Richmond Virgina wich at the time was the Confederiate Captial. He tried to pin down the Confederiate Army, General Lee surendered to Grant in 1865, but he made sure Lee wasn't taken to court for treason.

     “Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves - Ulysses S. Grant

Robert Edward Lee: 

Robert Edward Lee was a leader of the Confederate Army. He was a extremly respected by both sides and won many battles. He also was a great Motavator, and a very well put together man. He had all the honeys over at his crib, and all the guys tried to copy his swagg. He was Lincolns first choice for the Union General, but he turned it down because he was loyal to his home state of Virginia. Lee did not get down with two things, slavery and session. One of the only bad things Lee did in his carrear is when lost at Getties Berg. He surrendered the entire Army. Its okay because Lee is still a OG in my book. 

"I cannot trust a man to control others who cannot control himself." - Robert E. Lee


Abe Lincoln:

Abe Lincoln was a tall, great speaking, gangster that was popular for his debates with Douglas. He opposed things like slavery, states rights, and war. This was bad for the South, especially after he got elected for his second term. He signed the Emancipation Proclamation and it ended slavery for good, and had one of hottest beards in the land.

"Whatever you are, be a good one." 
- Abraham Lincoln

Jefferson Davis:

    Jefferson Davis was president of the Confederates. He was a pushover and the South loved it because they were makin BANK. Jefferson didnt want to be the president. He wanted to be a general because he loved war. He was in battles such as The Bueha Vista war and The Mexican- American War , and ended up getting shot in the Bueha Vista War.

“I worked night and day for twelve years to prevent the war, but I could not. The North was mad and blind, would not let us govern ourselves, and so the war came.” - Jefferson Davis